Sunday, October 18, 2009

Necessities of Existence

For wisdom is a kindly spirit, yet she acquits not the blasphemer of his guilty lips; Because God is the witness of his inmost self and the sure observer of his heart and the listener to his tongue. (Wisdom 1:6)

The only true necessities in life is to know, love, and serve God. Our entire beings, our entire talents and capabilities are designed to help us discover divinity. We have all types of ways of sensing and adoring God. We must learn to avoid temporal excesses and temptations, our faith, hope, and love must be directed toward goodness, humility, and compassion and in the service of what is eternal, absolute, unconditional--God’s love. Reality and actuality are abstract words which can inspire great thoughts or confuse unsuspecting minds. Our existence provides evidence of a supreme order, evidence of thought and free will, evidence of beauty, innocence, love, evidence of darkness, corruption, hate. Our existence is not a random occurrence. We are alive to question our day to day existence. We are alive to wonder about the beauty and majesty of having eternal life with Gid. We are alive to plan our eternal existence. To pray, to worship, to share, to give, to receive, to contemplate, to speak of God’s love, mercy, and goodness is the duty and obligation of all those who call themselves Christian. Modernity and materialism can make this difficult as different thoughts take root in our imaginations and hearts and we allow ourselves to be seduced and deceived by all types of kind looking sweet smelling gentle speaking cleverly concealed evils.

I often try to detach myself from the world, to have a moment or two of solitude. This is time to think about and to remember God. It is easy to say that my life is in his hands, but I am sometimes a little anxious, a little restless. I don’t want to wait for him to respond.

As a rambunctious child I was told to be good, to obey God’s law. I was told to say my prayers. I was told good people go to heaven. As an rambunctious adult I must believe in goodness, in God and his love. I must have faith.

There is no need to fear death when honest and true love for and faith in God exists.

In my existence my love for God is my happiness; each of us can do truly wonderful things which can express and strengthen our humanity. Living a Christian life can lead us to heroism, moral fairness, as we follow God’s examples. Our lives are enriched when we consciously strive try to dwell with God.

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