Friday, October 16, 2009


My object today is to suggest, to some extent, that our experience as Catholics is often influenced by the behaviors of members of the parish that we have observed praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament, volunteering with the various ministries, discussing vocations. The language of our faith encourages various voices to bring alive numerous prayers, and familiar Bible quotations. Each Sunday Mass can nourish our faith, present ideas for our reflection and our good, compassionate household actions may help God’s love to flourish in our lives.

This idea, originally made before my morning orange juice, has been considerably enlarged by reflections about the community of the faithful which is the living body of the church. The simple hope for universal peace and universal love, remains an important theme of the church which has daily impact on the lives of the faithful. Hope is often sent forth with love and fidelity and faith.

Though perhaps imperfect sometimes we always can ask for forgiveness from God. In some respects, the need for penance is natural and good. Our lives periodically need to be examined, some decisions confessed, and our sins absolved. The household of the head, heart, and soul requires maintenance and cleaning from time to time. Our faith grows from the goodness we observe and the goodness we share. Our Faith collects and remembers quotations and smiles, conversations and hugs.

Faith needs to be protected and shared. Faith is a beautiful blessing growing within each one of us. Faith is an original resource helping us, guiding us to God and eternal life.

Outside the remnants of an October rain has been favorably received by the ground, school children endeavor to avoid the puddles, each day I want to become more worthy of having an eternal life with God.

How wonderful our lives would be if we lived each second, each minute with the simple belief that a moment of faith is a guidepost for God forever.

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