Thursday, October 15, 2009


Each day I learn something new about being Catholic.

I see my life as a Christian as an ongoing journey. There is always motions. There are volunteer opportunities, prayer opportunities. I recently added the remaining Holy Days of Obligation and Moveable Feast Days to my calendar. All Saints Day is November 1 and the First Sunday of Advent is November 29.

I like thinking of Christianity as a series of events and experiences which are helping to shape and direct my life, both my day to day interactions and my spiritual life. Each event provides insights which help to strengthen my faith.

Christianity improves my humanity. I am more aware of people and their suffering. I try to be more compassionate in my dealings with others.

I am attempting to live in friendship with Jesus but sometimes, I must admit that I feel unworthy of such an honor. But, then I will recognize someone from the parish or receive a email or phone call asking how am I doing and then for a brief second I understand the power and majesty of God’s love.

Being Christian is an individual, personal experience. Being Christian exists beyond the realm of formulas, moral and ethical codes, and worship rites. Being Christian exists in our hearts as we strive to live our day to day lives humbly, justly, and with love for everyone just as Jesus Christ taught the Apostles.

Christianity allows us to view our lives through different prisms. Christianity encourages us to do the right thing even if it might be difficult. Each prayer we say is an important event. Each time we help the homeless is an event. We hopefully will keep our hearts and minds open to more opportunities to share God’s goodness.

Our hearts and minds need to share and feel God’s grace and love. Our lives should be our striving to be more humane. We live in a society which encourages all types freedom without explaining consequence and responsibility. Basic humanity like basic civility is often forgotten. Decency is often castaway, too.

We need to give and receive compassion. Our lives provide events which hopefully will guide us on the path to being more Christ like in how we treat ourselves and others.

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