Sunday, October 18, 2009


My faith is heuristic. It provides both the questions and the patience necessary to find wisdom. Our daily lives are often improved when we allow ourselves to believe in faith. Each of us describe faith in a different personal terminology; however, the gnosis of faith can help us discover interior peace which can be confidently expressed in a hostile exterior world. All love that is true and honest springs from faith. Hope is aided by gentleness and innocence of faith. The journey through human life toward eternal life with depends upon the goodness and the strength of faith.

My mind encourages me to expatiate on faith frequently because faith is so beautifully intertwined with believing in and loving God. It is impossible for me to think of God without thinking of faith.

It was in the last days of December, 2006, that my personal faith was restored to a place of honor and influence within the confines of my imagination. Several memories of attending Mass were replayed. Several intimate thoughts of prayers and promises made to God during times of the illness of beloved family members were also remembered. My faith had begun reconnecting events, opening the curtains of ego and conceit, preparing a place within my heart for the appearance of God. When I was able to acknowledge his presence and understand his presence and the truth that I was never alone, never beyond his love, I was then able to see that my life has been a long and remarkable introduction to God, his love, and the journey to eternal life.

Faith is now my most valued friend. It prefaces my thoughts and interactions. It encourages me to care for more than just my immediate private insulated circle. Faith leads me out. Faith allows me to be observer, editor, and critic of my life as I make mistakes and slowly, sometimes painstakingly slow, try to improve, try to be more Christ like.

Faith entrusts different ideas and mysteries within each of us. Currently, I have some odd idea that faith is leading me on a literary endeavor. Different thoughts and incidents, related to God and my attempt to live a life worthy to be God’s heir are to written and preserved here.

This is neither a psychological nor journalistic enterprise. This is more ethical, philosophical. It is concerned with the impressionism of living a humble Christian life.

Faith is my confidant. I am looking to examine my soul and to explore the uncharted territory of my conscious as it relates to questions of faith and loving God.

My faith is heuristic. I am heuristic.

“Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:29-30)

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