Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thought for the Day - October 12

As Christians we are asked to be obedient to God’s wishes. Our obedience is natural, loving, an act of free will. As Christians we are asked to follow the commandments. Each choice that we make has a consequence. Each choice that we make can encourage others to seek salvation, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Each choice that we make can discourage others from seeking salvation, from following Christ. As Christians the challenge of living a life of universal, unconditional love with unconditional mercy, unconditional compassion requires prayer, reflection, effort, persistence. Loving our neighbor will always be a difficult request. Showing mercy, compassion are becoming more and more difficult as technology separates people from people, reduces real person to person contact. What is the real benefit to any individual of walking on a crowded street yelling into a cell phone. Too much collateral anxiety bombards each human being every day. Expletives are Bad words are used easily, freely. They are acceptable. To not use expletives is becoming abnormal.

As Catholics we are asked to have a life of charity, humility, obedience. As Catholics our faith encourages us to be selfless, to create penitent hearts.

As Catholics we seek eternal life by praying, by reflecting on Holy Scripture, by doing good works. Peace, honor, glory will be the rewards for obeying God, for doing good works.

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