Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And Now for the News of the Day - Wednesday, October 12

God is impartial. God offers justice.

Here are today’s News headlines from around the world. Here is some information to read, to reflect upon. Each of these events and issues require our prayers. Remember that God has a plan for each believer, each faithful follower.

Always direct love and generosity toward God. Strive to be good tenants of the vineyard. Do not betray God. Fidelity with God is essential for our spiritual health, spiritual well-being.

Pope Benedict XVI used today’s general audience for catechesis on Psalm 126 which “celebrates the great things which the Lord has done for his people, and which he continues to do for all believers.”

Pope Benedict spoke on redemption, salvation. This psalm moves beyond being simply historical, there is also a theological dimension. Imagery is used to allude to the mysterious truth of redemption. “The Psalm teaches us that ... we must remain hpeful and firm in our faith in God. Our history, though often marked by suffering, uncertainty and moments of crisis, is a history of salvation and ‘restoration of fortunes’. In Jesus our exile ends: ... in the mystery of His cross, in death transformed into life, like the seed which splits in the earth and becomes and an ear of wheat”.

On October 27, 2011the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul’s World Day of Prayer from Peace will be the date of “Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace” which will be held in Assisi. This will be a meeting of world religious leaders in Assisi which will not contain inter-religious prayers. A Catholic prayer vigil will occur in St. Peter’s Square in Rome the night before.

When they gather in Baltimore for their November 14-16 Fall General Assembly the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will vote for their secretary-elect, the chairman-elect of five committees and the new chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace.

Angelina Jolie made a two day trip to Libya to assist agencies bringing aid to Libyans in Tripoli and Misurata. Jolie is an actress and United Nations goodwill ambassador.

Israel has concluded negotiations with Hamas to release a 25 year old soldier Gilad Shalit who has been a prisoner since 2006. Israel is expected to release between 450 and 1,000 Palestinian prisoners including some behind terrorist attacks that killed Israelis.
With the turmoil and unrest in the region, Israel decided to offer this gesture as it reflects on its position in the region as former dictatorships willing to coexist peacefully with Israel are moving to new governments which might not be peaceful.

As a sign that it is moving toward democracy, Burma released 120 political prisoners including one of its most famous dissidents a comedian Zarganar who was arrested in 2008 after organizing deliveries of aid to victims of Cyclone Nargis. Zarganar was a prominent satirist and government critic.

The Philippine president has announced a stimulus package to protect the nation’s economy from fallout from Europe’s debt crisis. The package is worth $1.68 billion.

Tuesday, hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched by the homes of some of the wealthiest executives in America. New York City’s Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue sidewalks were filled with the protesters.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have set October as Respect Life month and as Domestic Violence Awareness month.

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