Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Memorial of Saint Francis Assisi, religious

Today is the Memorial of Saint Francis Assisi, religious.

Saint Francis remains one of the most vibrant and alive Saints of the Catholic Church. His life story remains relatable, accessible. He was neither pious nor studious during his youth. His father’s wealth ad connections allowed him to have a flashy life, a riotous social life, carefree and juvenile like many f the upper class of his time. Saint. Francis was known for bursting into song and his expensive clothes. Assisi declared war on Perugia. Francis joined Assisi’s army, which was defeated, and he bcame a prisoner of war for a year. After his release he still wanted to be a soldier and started on a journey to the papal forces in the south. In dream a voice told him, “follow the master, not the man.” His public ministry began then when he started taking care of the poor, the sick, including lepers.

Saint Francis’ life of rebuilding churches, being compassionate, being merciful, embracing poverty remains a model for us all.

Saint Francis is a giant of goodness, a giant of holiness, a giant of kindness. He is a great inspiration for all Catholics, all Christians, all humans.

Saint Francis’ life became an imitation of Christ’s life. He shared in the Lord’s suffering.

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