Sunday, October 9, 2011

Help and Accept Help on the Road to Salvation

Humility and self reliance can be a path to righteousness, a path to salvation. As a Christian I try to always be prepared for the different experiences which God places in my path. I encourage every Christian to be prepared for the appearance of the Lord, for an invitation from the Lord.

As long as we fill our hearts with love, charity, humility, and obedience to the will and word of God, please enjoy and learn from the circumstances of your existence. With prayer find a way to live with an abundance of hope, abundance of love to be shared, to be extended to all who you might encounter. Always be humble and gracious. Enjoy delicious meals of multiple courses, with multiple glasses of wine to fill your stomach. Enjoy the moments when your stomach makes strange gurgling sounds because it is empty. Enjoy your entire life. Enjoy being a Christian. Enjoy learning how to serve the Lord. Enjoy learning how to love the Lord. Enjoy learning how to obey the Lord.

Being Christian involves a request of obedience to God commandments. Being Christian involves an invitation to be part of a community of believers of Jesus Christ. Being Christian begins with the love and hope and faith that rests within your heart, that is freely, honestly shared.

We experience the glorious riches of God each day when we are kind to each other, when we show mercy to each other, when we are compassionate to each other.

As Christians remember to always be willing to help others on the road to salvation, to always be willing to accept help from others on the road to salvation.

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