Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday of the Twenty-Seventh Week

Today is Saturday of the Twenty-Seventh Week in Ordinary Time.

The Lord will provide refuge and protection to his people, to those who believe him, to those who follow him, to those who are his loyal, loving servants.

The world contains much unrest, much uncertainty. In many ways, in many places instability reigns. Social, economic, and religious institutions are under attack. A perpetual distrust of authority continues. A perpetual cry for the rights of the individual man continues. A perpetual desire for promoted and pampered self remains the ideal within western cultures. This selfishness persists, becomes the enemy of all that can be called goodness, holiness, and kindness. This selfishness begins and ends with lies, deceit, betrayal.

Christians are asked to remain vigilant, to be aware of all that is happening. Christians are encouraged to be prepared, to be ready to serve the Lord. Our confidence, our courage, our faith are needed now.

How we live, how we interact with each other and with strangers can make a difference, can help someone find their way to Jesus Christ, can help someone follow the path of fairness, social justice to the Kingdom of God, to salvation.

We can share love, we can share mercy, we can share forgiveness. We can encourage others to do the same. We can ask others to return to the Church, to return to God. As Christians our first duty remains to focus on loving and serving God. We are asked to acknowledge our own weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our own sinfulness before ourselves and before God. We are asked to repent before God.

We are faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we are believers of God. We are guided by truth, charity, humility, obedience, patience, compassion, and mercy.

We are guided by love.

Prayer leads to more prayer; true, honest, loving prayer leads God.

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