Thursday, October 6, 2011

All Catholics Asked to Evangelize

C. Colt Anderson spoke at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle after the Wednesday 12:10 Mass as part of the parish Fall Lecture Series. Mr. Anderson's topic was "What is the New Evangelization?" The lecture was arranged by the Faith Formation Committee. 

The lecture was part history of the New Evangelization movement and part application techniques. The aim of this lecture was to motivate people to evangelize, to share the stories of their conversion and belief in God, and to encourage others to share their stories.

C. Colt Anderson speaks about New Evangelization.

"The aim of New Evangelization is directed toward lapsed Catholics, Catholics who have fallen away from their faith," explained Mr. Anderson. "New Evangelization is really re-evangelization."

New Evangelization comes out of an European and secularization context with different levels of government involvement, explained Mr. Anderson. “Now New Evangelization needs to be translated in an American context.”

Mr. Anderson explained that evangelical is the Greek word for gospel. Gospel means the Good News. "Being evangelical means being in agreement with the Gospel, at least in theory. We can at least say we agree with the Gospel." 

Mr. Anderson acknowledged that most American Catholics are uncomfortable with using the term because the word evangelical is often associated with fundamentalist Christian groups.

Evangelization is the work that is assigned to the laity, that is best done by the laity.

We find faith by hearing it spoken, by hearing it proclaimed. New Evangelization is a request for faithful believers to share their stories, to share their faith. "We have to proclaim the full significance of Christ."

Baptism admitted each Catholic to a holy priesthood. We are asked to give an account, to spread, and to defend the faith by word and deeds.

"The agent of the New Evangelization has to be a lay person. We all have had problems with the Church." stated Mr. Anderson. "We live in the world. It is easy to dismiss a priest. Lay people have to take up half of the task of evangelization."

Mr. Anderson provided simple instructions on how to prepare to be an evangelist. The most important items are know your audience and ask and then listen to their response to why they think how they do.

"People really are different. Some are motivated by love., some are motivated by fear. Different people are motivated by different things. People have different strengths, weaknesses, vices." declared Mr. Andesrson "Each person's spirituality is also different. Never presume that others have to follow your path."

C. Colt Anderson speaks at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle.

A brief lesson on rhetoric was presented. The aim of New Evangelization is to persuade the lapsed Catholics to return to the church community. Anderson stated that many of the Catholics who have left the faith will be hostile.

Mr. Anderson briefly described apologetics, catechesis, polemics and explained how and why they can be useful when discussing your faith with someone. He provided good advice about being polite, being attentive what the person is saying. Being honest is important when discussing the Church. Mr. Anderson stated that it is better to state the problems with the Church instead of whitewashing them. “Evangelization requires truth.”

"The aim is to win them over, not to beat them up." declared Mr. Anderson. "Christ was humble, shouldn't his disciples be humble too? Humility is attractive."

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