Monday, July 6, 2009

First Things Last

I think that it might be easier to start at the end. This is a written account of my private journey. I am asking myself questions about my faith, how I want to express my faith, and how I want to serve God. I am allowing myself a second to breathe, to glance around the room. I have lived an ordinary life. My exposure to religion began very early. I can remember going to Sunday school at a Baptist church. I can also remember trying to take a nap during Sunday service at a Baptist church.

Some of the sermons were great examples of oratory. Most were long, rambling things which mixed scripture with opinion. Some of the preachers worked to connect with their congregations. Others preached to their congregations about tithing and other financial connections.

As an adult weekly Mass attendance is an important component of my religious journey. I am trying to have a more humble, loving life. There all types of temptations and distractions all around me. Going to Mass is not a chore. I try to make it a reward for surviving another week. It is a moment of peace, free of the temptations of modern life and advertising. A moment free of detergent commercials; pop songs; anti-social and violent movies; oral contraception commercials; and celebrity gossip. It is a journey toward inner peace, inner knowledge, inner acceptance.

Weekly Mass offers a little bit of religious education, a reminder of God's love, and prayers, lots of beautiful prayers. Within the prayers, in the words, there is peace, love, and understanding. There is always a plea for the universal good, for universal humanity.

Participating in the Mass means that I am actively listening to the words that are being read or sung. Participating in the Mass means that I am praying for both familiar people and strangers. Participating in the Mass means trying to incorporate the teachings into more areas of my life.

I am looking for the best way to serve God, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

I recognize my shortcomings, my frustrations. I search for new questions, new ways to serve and honor the Lord.

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