Thursday, July 30, 2009

Books By My Bedside

This morning when my eyes opened, my imagination led me to the bookshelf closest to the bed. For about a minute my mind entertained an idea of writing a very dramatic piece filled with passion and suspense. It was going to be written in the style of a generic, great religious orator.

The idea was replaced with a different idea. Describing a person is always difficult, a modern adult presents only selected views of their lives to the world. It is a given that there are secrets.

Underlying most healthy relationships is a sense of faith.

All human lives are composed of the seen and unseen, stories told and stories untold. Life contains a wonderful collection of trivialities which often interest biographers and gossips. Favorite pop songs and orchestral pieces play in our minds, favorite movie or television scenes provide stylized, controlled conversations. All thoughts are hidden, protected.

Moral education is often hidden, protected with juvenile thoughts. It is in youth that most personalities are created, fortified.

Baptism encourages us to change, to view life through a special lens. Baptism asks us to be compassionate, humble, gentle. Baptism asks us to be merciful, giving. Baptism reminds us to be contemplative, to reflect upon the life of Jesus Christ.

Being a good Catholic in America can be very hard because of individualism which stresses a self reliance and independence which make sense in a rustic, isolated landscape but which causes all types of problems in an urban environment where interaction and interdependence are necessary for security and survival.

Throughout our lives, an unasked question that passes through the minds of friends and family and other acquaintances is just who is writing his/her life.

In an attempt to present one of the hidden parts of my life, I am presenting a list of titles of books have been or are planned to be reference materials for my writing. These books were on a bookshelf in my bedroom. They are all paperback books.

This list is not in any particular order. Please enjoy.

The American, Henry James
Mythology, Edith Hamilton
Great Dialogues of Plato
A History of American History
The Purple Decades, A Reader,
Tom Wolfe
The Immoralist, Andre Gide
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Edward Albee
Ogden Nash, Pocket Book
Brief Encounter,
Noel Coward
The Oxford Book of Late Medieval Verse & Prose
The Rhymers Club: Poets of the Tragic Generation,
Norman Alford
Lexicon of Intentionally Ambiguous Recommendations, Robert Thornton
A Book of Love Poetry, edited by Jon Stallworthy
The Lawrenceville Stories, Owen Johnson
Personality Types-Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery
The Same Door, John Updike
Present Concerns Essays, C.S. Lewis
Collected Poems 1928- 1985, Stephen Spender
Believing is Seeing-Creating the Culture, Mary Anne Staniszewski

That list of books have been alive within me for years, since my first exposure. That this list is presented completely out of context is both unplanned and yet a brilliant event. The list will not be explained beyond the titles. To historical data will be provided. These books like so many items in our lives influence us, influence our thoughts, conversations, and prayers.

Some of the books are in good condition others are not.

The words on those pages worked hard to keep my interest, to encourage additional my mental and spiritual exploration, to inspire my writing.

Many other books were not included in the list. The most important books are not mentioned. This is no representative of anything other than proximity. This is just a view of something hidden. This is just a touchstone of literary reference points.

Here, within these pages my imagination was nurtured. Here within these pages my imagination discovered unasked questions. Here within these pages are the unanswered arguments which convinced me to become Catholic.

Reading books can be hard on the eyes. But, carrying a stack of books can be hard on the back.

A prayer from Somewhere Beyond Yesterday.

This is my prayer.
It is my private prayer.
I prayed it.
I prayed for clear blue skies with a hint of heat.
Happiness was mine until my mind got into the act.
Then, I prayed for gray skies with thunder and lightning.
Now, I am all drenched, each raindrop is fightning.

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