Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Mass Offers Prayers

In many ways the world in which we live encourages us to be alienated from ourselves, from our neighbors, from our God. Being bad, doing evil things is expected, accepted. There is much hostility in the world, in our hearts, in our relationships with our neighbors. Remember that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross created an opportunity for reconciliation with our loving God. We are asked to proclaim our belief in God, to share the Good News, to follow the commandments. God wants to have a preeminent role in our lives. We are asked to seek goodness, holiness, kindness in our lives. The Eucharist offers us the Body of Christ, offers us both a memorial and the sacrifice. The prayers of the Mass encourage us to be holy, to seek a deeper faith, a deeper connection with God. The prayers of the Mass encourage us to persevere in our faith, in our serving God. The prayers of the Mass encourage us to seek perfection in our relationship with God, we seek to avoid blemish, we seek to be irreproachable before God. Each day we are invited to breathe life into our faith. Remember that the Mass offers hope. Listen to the lessons of the Gospel. Hear the words of the Lord. Pray and prepare for your journey to salvation, pray and prepare to help your neighbors journey to salvation. Remember to keep your gaze on heaven.

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