At some point in our lives, we all want to be the hero, we all want to save the day. From start to finish this is a very ordinary wish. How easy it is to create an unnamed villain just a little more powerful, a little more dangerous. Man does not live on facts. Faith is needed.
As Christians are lives are different, as God’s adopted children, we are part of a distinguished group of faithful believers and followers. We often seek compassion, seek company.
Being the hero is great for movies when there is a script and stereophonic sound.
Sometimes the most important thing is overlooked, temporarily forgotten.
The life of a Catholic often involves the continued search for the God. We want to hear God’s voice, we want to see God if only for a moment. There exists the tendency to approach God, to follow Jesus Christ with a sterile, unsmiling, unidentified coolness, a stiff distance. Remember that God exudes love, God exudes tenderness, God exudes mercy. In order to meet God, in order to hear God we are asked to be like God. We are asked to be ready to share a fistful of kindness, goodness, and holiness. We are asked to be recognizable as loving followers of Jesus Christ. Humility, charity, obedience lead us to God. We, God’s loving, loyal servants share God’s grace, God’s love, God mercy. Compassion, patience becomes our guide. Remember always and believe that we are God’s adopted children. God wants each one of to be his protagonist, he wants us to go out into the world and share his love.
Freewill presents both a challenge and an opportunity for each Catholic Christian as we live each day. We decide what we are going to do. We decide to follow or not follow Jesus Christ. We decide to believe or not believe in God. We decide to sin or not sin. Our decisions, our actions have consequences. We decide to love or not love.
God is consistent, God always loves us. To be consistent in our love for our neighbors, in our love for God, in our love for ourselves can help us achieve salvation, can help us enter the Kingdom of God.
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