Each September arrives with fall to do lists, summer’s lingering list of undone, forgotten, or postponed events. September releases angst in past tense, in present tense, in future tense. This month mumbles “never mind.” Summer newlyweds wait for their photographers to provide proofs and wedding albums. Students wait for instructors to provide course syllabi. Theater subscribers wait for the new season to begin. Strangers talk about autumn trips to London, Rome, Amsterdam. Strangers talk about the beauty of England’s West Country. Strangers talk about alternative evening activities in some cities. Strangers talk of the Catholic Church as the alternative experience. Many things are mentioned in conversations across the world in September. Each passing day becomes shorter and shorter. People go from interview to interview, city to city in search of work. People go from homily to homily in search of hope, in search of God, in search of love. God and Jesus Christ and the Apostle remain staples of Western popular culture, buttressed by Christmas and Easter. The lightness of God remains under attack. Darkness passes into the hearts, minds, and souls of many people creating dark times. This darkness fuels violence, drug addictions, racism, sexism. The light of truth, the light of God remains constant, remains a resource, a guide, a call to return to goodness, holiness, kindness. The light of God intrigues many, encourages many to become believers, encourages others to remain followers.
It was there that I first heard a voice deep inside of me whisper “Find and Share Your Christian Spirit", and naturally I was a little shaken up. Naturally I did nothing until I heard the voice again and again. It was both frightening and exhilarating. I was defiant and lethargic against an immortal chorus, immortal call of hope, call of forgiveness.
I subsequently discovered that this call is not unique to me. Each day all over the world, in every nation in every time zone in many hearts in many different cultures in many different individuals develop a vein of inchoate hope, a desire for goodness, kindness, holiness grows, a prayer for peace and health of all mankind travels through hearts, minds, souls kindling thoughts of universal and unconditional love, kindling thoughts of eternal life, kindling thoughts of salvation. This call maybe be pristine and delicate or heavy-duty rumbling loud. This call is personal, privately territorial speaking to the individual needs first in authentic tones, primal tones. I was reminded of my desire for salvation, my desire for spiritual cleanliness in God’s eyes. Mainstream yet underground my conversion continues each and every day as I learn more and more about God, as I wonder about what more I can do. I have youthful eyes, youthful ears, and a youthful soul as I include service to God more and more in my thoughts and daily activities. There are successful days, and less successful days. Days of hope, days of love follow me, protect me, guide me toward God, guide me toward the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
My journey is not unique; this provides hope as I seek my way toward God. Others have gone before me. Others have sinned. Others have asked for pardon and forgiveness. Asking for pardon and forgiveness from God is not always easy. But it can be done with prayer, reflection.
My rebellion leads me to God, leads me to compassion for my neighbors.
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