Each day in each month in each year is a time for prayer, for remembrance, for hope. When Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, World War II began. Will any event today be remembered in seventy years?
Spreading the Good News is the responsibility of all believers of Jesus Christ. The Gospels are to be shared with all human beings.
Each day there are births, deaths, doctor appointments, weddings, dinner parties. Each day there are opportunities to serve the Lord by sharing and living the Gospel.
How great it is that equable and equitable sound alike and resemble each other to confuse people.
Christians are often described as being equable, as sharing the same views and opinions.
Life is filled with many suppositions. Christians are all human beings with a mixture of misadventure and happiness. With prayer and discipline it is possible to avoid the advance and seduction of sin and vice.
Curiosity, innocent and pure, can lead to serving God, to loving God. The best affliction that a Christian can have would be the love of God above all things. The best support that a Christian can have would begin with forgiveness.
Parish life is both inspiring and challenging. Trying to find the best way to serve the Lord is difficult. The need for good deeds, for compassion, for mercy increases each day. Prayer is always needed. Kindness in human interaction is needed. These things I learn each time I go to Mass. I am reminded of my vulnerabilities and I try to improve.
My spiritual life is filled with questions, allusions, metaphors. There are clear skies, smoking candles, crashing waves, soft harps. My spiritual life is filled with great motion as I try to be obedient to God, try to move closer to God. There are moments when I move two steps away from God, then five toward God and then four away and six toward.
It is natural and healthy to want an intimate relationship with God. The knowledge of each person’s life contains both happiness and unhappiness. Each day presents an opportunity for education, an opportunity to serve the Lord. It is natural and healthy to want to use Jesus Christ as a role model, to consider sacrificing your life in the name of God.
Life in a parish reinforces the responsibility of all parishioners to become involved, to do a little more than attend life once a week. The more you allow yourself to become involved the more you can learn about God, about serving God, about loving God, about loving your neighbor.
Parish life inspires me to want to spread the Good News.
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