Monday, March 22, 2010

Reflection - Rain

Today was rainy, slightly cold. There were umbrellas everywhere. The sky was ambiguous; it displayed varying shades of gray. The weather was uninviting. It was the perfect afternoon to examine my conscience, to praise God, and to remember different people in my prayers. Nature helped to focus my attention on God instead of the usual suspects and other diversions.

Watching the raindrops collide with the pavement reminded me with two very different things. Briefly I imagined that each raindrop represented sin; sin imagined, planned, carried out, not carried out, concealed. Sin can be very, very small, almost undetectable but still able to be an obstacle to a loving relationship with God. Sin encourages us to rationalize it, to defend its wrongness, to hide from God's truth and love. Then, I imagined that each raindrop represented prayer. I find myself praying constantly. I pray when I walk by homeless people, I pray for sick relatives, I pray for sick friends, I pray before meals, I pray during meals (especially if I have any doubts about the cook), I pray about the weather, I pray during Mass. And I still feel that more prayer is needed. Prayer and raindrops are both very necessary in this world.

As a pedestrian there are always moments when I am able to think about my destination, adjust my itinerary, notice all types of things in storefront windows, on the sidewalk, in the faces of other pedestrians. Sometimes I am simply looking around, sometimes I am looking for topics, sometimes I am looking for something new to pray about.

I can hear rain on my windowsill. There are sounds of cars on the street. I hope that it isn't too windy. I will soon be walking outside again. I will soon be looking for goodness and hope, looking for Christ in the faces of the other pedestrians.

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