The end of learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love Him, and to imitate Him, by possessing our souls of true virtue.—Milton.
Jesus Christ is a superior teacher of goodness and holiness. His entire life is an inspiration to all who desire to be holy. His life is filled with great obedience, great patience. His Spirit of fairness and humility remains protected within the context of his teaching, as holy subtext, holy metadata. Believers develop and nurture affection and longing for his lessons as they try to model their lives on his. Often there is a question about what is in a believers heart, guiding him or her? Is Christ really in your heart? Is your Christian religion in your heart? What is the progress of your conversion?
Baptism washes away original sin and purifies hearts and minds, prepares them to love and serve God. Conversion from sin and vice continues each day until death. Each day in a Christian’s life there should always be expanding holiness, advancing closer to God. The direction of the journey should be from vice to virtue; however, sadly, the journey consistently is vice to virtue to vice to virtue in a melancholy perpetual consistency of being pleasant and loving to God, of being unpleasant and unloving to God. A Christian’s actions may change. God’s love does not.
The message and method of Jesus Christ suggests that the road to salvation must be travelled with a beautiful rigidity of purpose which is often in opposition to current scientific and social trends and norms and which creates paradoxes for the faithful believers. Every Christian seeks consolation in God at one time or another. Every Christian seeks salvation. Some may move mountains if their faith directs them to do so; some may compose essays and articles; others may simply attend service and keep their minds and hearts open to the Lord’s call. How wonderful that the Catholic Church is filled with erudite men who centuries ago possessed with the wisdom to understand and use Aristotle’s Ethics as a foundation for the religion of God and the vision to be patient and prayerful in their reflections on the faith as they uncovered the mysteries and created the dogma and doctrine which would survive centuries. How wonderful for each Christian that there are prayers and syllogisms! Being Christian presents a connection with some of the best thinking, best literature produced by man. This literature is for the conversion and education of hearts and souls in preparation to the journey to the Kingdom of God. This religion presents facts, philosophy, and mysticism to the faithful believers to help each Christian understand and respect the power of God and to use their lives in humble service to God.
Being Christian recognizes the beautiful potential and paradox of human genius and tries to direct the use of human genius and creativity in ways pleasing to God. Being Christian is a process, an endless conversion of hearts, minds, and souls. Each day faithful Christians must allow themselves to be open to learn more about their faith, about themselves, about how to respect and serve God. Christians strive to educate and protect their souls.
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