Organically and naturally, something within each person produces a desire to know God. Some approach God with a sense of intense diplomatic negotiations instead of love. Others approach with all types of syllogisms and theorems instead of praise. And still others approach God with all types disrespect and deception instead of fear. How an individual approaches God provides an indication of how the individual views himself/herself. To have a fruitful relationship with God, each person must have a healthy, honest self knowledge. A healthy, honest self perception allows for a deep, self examination and meaningful contrition. Each person may desire a relationship with God; but prayer, praise, respect are necessary ingredients; with God each person must always remember to be the humble servant. The earthly, fleshly world overwhelms many people, suggests that we, not God, are our masters, confuses people with an over abundance of conflicting statements; the desires of a society are often not the desires of God. The earthly world talks favorably about humility, charity, and obedience; all are viewed good in small doses, for certain goals; often they are associated with weakness. American culture desires fame, wealth, and power. God only asks that we love and respect each other. Each Christian must guard himself against the many spiritual deceptions in the world encouraging movement away from God. Each Christian must learn and practice humility before God and then each other. Let the goodness of each Christian inspire goodness in other people. A Christian does not judge, a Christian simply lives a life with the simplicity, the honesty, the humility of Jesus Christ; each Christian each must remember the call “Follow me” and then use the means of their life to do it.
Each day each Christian must remember to pray and give thanks to God. It probably would be better if each parish continued the old practice of ringing its bells to remind the faithful to pray the Angelus morning, noon, and evening. Prayer needs to be integrated into the life of every Christian; no Christian can pray too much, be too penitent. Each Christian must live lives which reflect and honor Our Lord’s Incarnation, death, and resurrection. Each Christian must learn to control both actions and thoughts which do not move them closer to God.
Humility remains very necessary for each Christian. Earthly life encourages pride and selfishness which are dangerous obstacles to a loving relationship with God. Humility stands in opposition to both pride and selfishness. For many people being proud and selfish are the default settings of their characters. Humility initially requires more effort to do but ultimately is better for the person, better for the mind, heart, and soul.
Living according to God’s design means living with humility.
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