Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sacrifice and Knowledge

The LORD, therefore, became angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice

Each Christian should live with one leading goal which is to honor God by living a life of virtue and goodness. God is to be respected, honored. Our religion offers justice and salvation to believers who are asked to show reverence to God, to be his humble servants, to be in awe of the God’s power. Christians must understand and accept the implicit requirement of sacrifice; every choice that it is made to do God’s work, every moment spent in prayer, every time kindness is done by a Christian with earnestly, lovingly then each act can be described as a sacrifice.

Christians must accept that their neighbors will have different ideas and opinions about religion and God. Christians may listen to a spoken treatise upon religion; listen patiently, listen respectfully, listen simply; do not be deceived by any rhetorical or elocution tricks; focus only on the central theme and how the speaker feels about the theme. It is not always necessary to respond to these monologues. If the speaker is sincere and truly interested in learning about God and God’s glory and mercy, then respond politely with great discipline of thought. If the speaker is not interested in learning about God, then avoid saying too much for the purpose of the discourse is to ridicule God.

Christians should surround yourselves with virtuous people interested in goodness and social justice according to the teaching’s of Christ. Remember always the Ten Commandments, apply them to your daily decision making process. Remember them as your conscience is examined.

Christians should live their lives in accordance with how God wants his children to live. Since the society compromises many faiths and those without faith, a Christian should be respectful first, ask questions later. Always acknowledge and accept the reality that you are a sinner and fallible. Do not accept the label of hypocrite if your life is progressing from being sinful to being virtuous. Remember that our neighbors can not see the beauty, the love, the devotion that is within our hearts and souls. Remember our neighbors often only want to see what they have decided to see. A Christian’s reality depends upon each sacrifice, each prayer, every moment lovingly, humbly, earnestly spent doing God’s work. These may not always be noticed by neighbors. Always remember to honor God in all your activities, allow that to give you confidence.

Each day life provides additional knowledge for us; always use it wisely to do service for the Lord. Strive for goodness and holiness. Avoid thinking that knowledge provides superiority. Always remind yourself that there is always something new to be learned, something new in Scripture to be reflected upon. Each life experience should provide the confidence to love your neighbor and God more easily and more completely.

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