Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Spirit and The Flesh - Part 1

Galatians V. 16, 17.

I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want.

Between the spirit and the flesh an eternal conflict exists. It is the struggle for goodness.

Simplicity is desirable. The spirit enjoys solitude. The soul stretches, reaches toward heaven. Smart is the spirit, filled with stories and parables. With testimony about the Savior, God’s sacrifice becomes a lesson about how to live life beyond the school house sack lunch. Life is filled with stop signs. The spirit encourages the heart and soul to move toward goodness, to ascend toward heaven. The spirit believes in salvation.

Prudent is the spirit. Avoiding the prison of lust, greed, and selfishness prayer encourages and protects love. How patient is true hope! How proper is peace. And how penitent the worshiping soul sounds, gentle, measured, beautiful like a piano concerto. Faith is lush, fertile. It is a pity that more people do not instinctive trust their faith. Pauline ideas often create compassion and understanding. Understands both poetic and social justice the spirit does and is often playful evocative with irony and poetic license. Love, mercy, and compassion each exists beyond words and definitions in the realm of symbols. Everything is a paradigm. Everyone has an idea of heaven and Paradise. The spirit helps to prepare entrance into the Kingdom.

Interested in serving God is the spirit. Inner exploration is welcomed. The symphony of head, heart, and brain working in unison help to identify and ignite a passion for God. Within all human beings faith and love are indigenous. The spirit involves the brain in lessons and exercises to expand faith and loyalty for God. Goodness alone is not an indemnity; charity, kindness, and love are needed. As each symbol is interpreted, God’s importance in our lives must be mentioned.

Remember and try to imitate Jesus Christ the spirit often encourages. Renew your faith and love of God frequently. Always strive to be righteous. God issues invitations to regenerate, to return to his loving embrace. The spirit often shares these requests with us.

Incomplete is a man without God in his life. Faith helps create something incomparable in the souls of men. Accepting God’s love and living a life of honest service to God will allow interior beauty and peace to flourish. The spirit implants hope.

Time is often the favored ally of the spirit. Proper thought and discernment can restore peace. A man’s faith creates his overture and his tableau. During awkward moments, the spirit twitches softly causing the soul, heart, and head to respond, to turn toward God and think of goodness, virtue, sacraments, and sacrifice.

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