Monday, January 18, 2010

Service to God

. . . Vanities, vanities, vanities, it is certain that we live in a time where it is natural to want everything, to covet things which should be avoided; desire is viewed as natural and everyone is encouraged to gaze upon an object longingly with lust in the heart, mind, and soul. Such is the mission of most advertisements on billboards, in magazines and newspapers, and commercials on television. It is yet only a question of distractions and definitions. Are you content with your life? Are you pleased with your spiritual life? Are you being the best person that you can be? Are you serving God? following the Ten Commandments? living the Beattitudes? following in the footsteps of Christ? Our lives must have a purpose and that purpose should always be humbly and obediently serving God and doing his work.

. . . In this crazy world each day can present all types of difficulties and crises, but with prayer and patience we can endure. Do not fear sacrifice. Do not fear suffering. God’s love and mercy will protect us.

It is easy to be rude, to be selfish in our society. Bad behavior and bad choices are both the trademark and hallmark of many movies and television programs. As Christians we must not accept this Modern confluence of ideologies and greed leading us away from morality, decency, social justice. We must be prudent. We must create reverent lives. We must find and cherish humility. Each day we must prepare for our journey to heaven. Each day we must remember and pray for all the goodness, holiness, and love that we have received throughout our lives. I can only repeat to you how important and necessary prayer, reflection, and patience are. I can only repeat to you to use each day of your life to prepare for your journey to the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not waste time worrying or speculating about vague eventualities, simply live your life filled with love, mercy, and forgiveness for everyone; remember to give God thanks and praise for each person, each moment of your life; remember and share both your sadness and happiness with God. I am resolved to consider myself a sinner, and I know how difficult examining my conscience can be at times, but after confession, joy returns to my mind and soul, and I am ready and willing to give thanks and praise to God and be humble before him. My strength, my talents are nothing without his grace and love. Each day I am learning how to love, honor, and serve God more!

In the midst of my life each day there is a moment when I think of humility, charity, and obedience, when I am quiet, simply observing, thinking of goodness, thinking of holiness. Life in obedient and humble service to God can create an august significance.

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