Brothers and Sisters: I am worried about the events of the world. We are moving into dangerous waters where malice and avarice rule men’s hearts. There is much anxiety and name calling. Fear rules. It is easier to fear a stranger than to offer assistance. It is easier to be jealous than to be charitable. We are encouraged to be selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed by the secular world.
There is systemic rejection of the basic ideas of social justice within all countries of the world. There is a growing rejection of God. Social disobedience captivates and energizes the attention of the secular world. Is it cheap entertainment or cautionary tales of what is to happen next? The riots in the United Kingdom, Afghan suicide bombing, the sibling bank robbers, the debt ceiling stalemate, Alabama’s Immigration law all point to a rejection of basic beliefs in goodness, holiness, kindness.
Each morning the newspaper contains many stories about mayhem, about pain, about greed. There is much angst and anxiety on the front page. The human condition is always in flux, always on the verge of war, always seeking answers to why certain bad events occurred. The lessons of human existence present the idea that people will always do bad things to each other. Human beings contain both good and bad impulses and inclinations. As Christians our lives hopefully are governed and guided by goodness, kindness, and holiness. As Christians our lives are overflowing with hope and love to be shared with others. As Christians we are asked to remember both the spiritual life nourished in the sanctuary and the material life attacked on the streets in our prayers each and every day.
Social justice begins with each and every one of us. We are asked to remember to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We are asked to live our lives based upon the Beatitudes. We are asked to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We are asked to love God above all things.
Bad things will happen in this world. Allow your faith to give you confidence and courage.
Mercy and prayerful vigilance are needed. For this is a time for salvation, a time for us to remember both God’s call, and God’s forgiveness. May we be able to share and teach our neighbors forgiveness.
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