Sunday, December 9, 2012

The End of Tomorrow

Sitting in an examination room, thinking about the weather. Sitting in my doctor's examination room, thinking about how vulnerable I feel wearing this silly thin cotton gown. 

On a Saturday afternoon, thinking about blogging. On a Saturday afternoon, thinking about being what I want to share, thinking about what I want to write.

And so I asked a friend for ideas. I was very vague. I hadn't decided upon a name or a voice or a theme. And so I asked a friend for ideas. I was enjoying the moment of creation. I was enjoying the moment of inspiration. 

And so I try to be serious. And so I try to be humorous.

And on this Sunday, the sky is overcast. Stray raindrops find my face as I walk around. The colorless sky and cool December breeze help me remember the flowers and laughter of long, warm summer days.

December is fresh with events upon which to focus our attention. Each day provides a moment for preparation, a moment for reflection, a moment for sacrifice. Lucky are those who sacrifice without realizing that they are sacrificing.

December is fresh with love and meditation. As winter arrives, memories of summer create collages in our hearts and minds. For now is the time to remember all those things done, all those things undone. It is a time to celebrate our lives. It is a time to learn from our weaknesses. It is a time to learn how to avoid sin. 

The collage of my life leads me to wonder about goodness, kindness, and holiness. Love - subtle, sublime, surprising - arranges the hopes and aspirations and inspirations within my heart, within my mind. Each day I pray for mercy, each day I hope I am able to share mercy.

The magic of love, is the magic of morning with gentle, warm sunlight teasing and retreating against a blue sky with white clouds. The montage of life is the mystery of belief, the beauty of faith.

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