Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We live in era easily influenced by all types conspiracy theories, real and make-believe. We live in a time that challenges authority, reduces personal responsibility. Old trusted friends are easily forgotten and discarded. How easy it is for modern society to set traps and wait for the mistakes of our neighbors, our former leaders, former heroes. How similar modern life with all of our technology to life in ancient Judah. There was unrest. Some people wanted a change of leadership. Some people wanted the visible parts of the society to remain the same. How easy it is for some people to discard others, how easy it is to decide that someone is no longer needed, no longer worthy. How dangerous people are when they are governed by lust, greed, or any emotion that is not loving, not nurturing, not leading them to faithful service of God.

How patient these people are! How they want their victim to destroy himself, with his own words. Isn't it amazing that this plot is designed not to disrupt life, not to change the daily routine of the people of Judah and Jerusalem.

Goodness often is rewarded with evil. The ruling passions of many men are often cloaked in darkness. Fear, envy, greed lead men to do evil things which can be rationalized and justified with fire and brimstone singed rhetoric, concealing the true evil of the actions, concealing the true evil of the motives, concealing the true evil of the consequences.

Goodness, true goodness remains steady, does not tremble. Goodness provides confidence. What is the reward for goodness, for service to others, for asking for mercy for others?

Each day in the life of each Christian someone is plotting, someone contriving to find a way to obstruct or detour your journey to God.

From Becoming A Devout Disciple

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