Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Prayer allows each one individual to view our lives with dignity and worth. The benefits of prayer affords each of us an opportunity to become closer to God, an opportunity to lower the volume of the secular world and pop culture, an opportunity for silence and reflection on our day to day existence.

Our individual life pursuits should direct us beyond the flesh, beyond simple material gain. As Christians we should always be trying to move closer to God. Our actions should always reflect our love and respect for God. Our interactions with each other should be uplifting, filled with compassion and love. Our intentions should always be to help each other find peace, order, and happiness. This is a difficult task. It will take time and patience to aachieve. But the more we allow ourselves to be loyal and obedient servants of God, the easier it will become. As our reverence and respect for God and his teachings increases so shall our understanding of the true beauty and true dignity of being humble before both God and man. When God occupies our entire being and we are willing to share ourselves completely, this is the highest calling of conduct, an unconditional love and compassion for all mankind. We must remember that all men are equal in God’s eyes.

But not every individual approaches prayer the same way. The journey toward God takes many different circuitous routes. Our individual dispositions influences each pursuit toward goodness, kindness, compassion, mercy. Our individual dispositions provide us with both obstacles to surmount and strengths to employ as we move toward God. The more love we have in our hearts, the more hope we will have in our souls. Our faith will help us become better people, better Christians. The strength of our faith and the purity of our love will help us make the right decisions, follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We can create a life of humility, loyalty, and service to God if we desire and if we are willing to work hard in the name of God.

We should allow ourselves to excel in praising God. Our only ambition in life should be to love and to serve the Lord with our complete beings. We should be obedient to his teachings.

Our lives should commemorate all the goodness, kindness, love and other gifts bestowed upon us by God. As individuals we should take time to contemplate our place in the world and our actions. How we live, what we do, what we say can effect the lives of others. As Catholics we must remember to always be priestly in our interactions. Our humility, obedience, and love for God must always be present in our daily actions.
We should strive to evangelize our neighbors not by our rhetoric but by our tenderness and compassion.

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