Sunday, July 31, 2011

Morning Light

How Happy I Am

How happy I am that today is Sunday! My heart yearns to call all who are dear to me beloved! How I enjoy hearing that word. How I want to embrace that word. I yearn to feel the presence of God within my weak heart. That is the simple desire, of a simple man wanting to live a life of humility and obedience to God. What wonderful things the Lord has shown me. What wonderful things I want to do for the Lord. Each day I try and make a little more room for God within my heart, mind, and soul. God is within my heart, encouraging me to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. What a thing is the soul of man! What beauty, what energy rests there to benefit and to praise the Lord with all that is merciful, all that is good, all that is gentle. To love God, is to recognize a perfection, a desire for the well-being and protection and eternal life of others, to want these things freely, naturally. To love God is to see the world not with your eyes, not with your ears, not with fingers but with all of the goodness and hope of the Holy Spirit. We can easily be deceived by the flesh, by grand sentences, faltering gestures. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide and your friend, allow it to be inseparable within your heart, mind, and soul. Respect and love the Holy Spirit as it leads you to God whom I love so dearly. We are asked to love and respect God with our every thoughts and every actions. We are warned that this might be difficult, might involve suffering. Avoid fear, avoid anxiety. When we are obedient, loyal, loving servants of God we will be protected. With time we will learn how feel happy in the face of any adversity or crisis; happy in the love of God! Allow yourself to meditate on forgiveness and love. Allow yourself to learn how to forgive, how to love as Jesus Christ taught us. Avoid attachments and possessions that do not aide in serving the Lord. Neither torment others or allow yourself to be tormented by others. Keep yourself busy with thoughts of goodness, thoughts of God. Learn to forgive yourself for your actions and thoughts. Learn to love those who have offended you. Live with peace, hope, humility. Avoid seeking the errors and faults of yourself and your neighbors. Avoid searching for someone to blame for every event that does not proceed as planned. Believing in God provides a particular sense of calm and security which affords greater understanding, greater wisdom when we allow ourselves time for reflection and prayer. Allow your heart to direct you to a deeper, genuine relationship with God. How happy I am that I am able to think and talk about God.